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Which are the things checked for medical visa?

In order to get or renew a residence visa in the United Arab Emirates or UAE, all potential residents must first pass a medical test at one of the country's government-approved medical examination centers available.When applying for or renewing a visitor's or tourist's visa, no medical examination is necessary. Testing for communicable diseases like hepatitis, HIV, syphilis, leprosy, and tuberculosis are all standard practise in the UAE's healthcare system. The required medical check-up for a UAE resident visa includes testing for HIV (by blood collection) and pulmonary tuberculosis (by taking an x-ray of their chest). The bad health of applicants will result in a denial of a resident visa. This includes those who test positive for HIV or are diagnosed with tuberculosis. They won't have to wait long for deportation after reporting to UAE authorities and than to medical examination center in UAE.Latent or dormant pulmonary TB is also considered to be a sign of good health for a resident. An annual "Health Fitness Certificate for Residence" will be issued to them if they pass the required medical examination center tests administered by the Department of Preventive Medicine or another government health body. It is important to get checked out at home before travelling if you suspect you have a contagious illness.The Syphilis and Hepatitis B test results should be negative for all of the following types of workers:

  • Gym workers
  • Caretakers
  • Domestic helpers include but are not limited to cooks, housekeepers, and chauffeurs.
  • Servers, cooks, and cafeteria workers
  • Hairstylists and masseuses
Home care workers must prove they are not expecting by passing a pregnancy test. There was a change in the law in 2016 that mandated a tuberculosis test for any non-citizens who wanted to renew their visas to remain in the country.Patients with scars, active tuberculosis, or drug-resistant TB will be granted a conditional fitness certificate and a one-year visa to enter the nation. They'll have to make the trip to the United Arab Emirates for treatment. Mohap, the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention, oversees medical testing facilities in Sharjah, Ajman, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujairah, and Umm Al Quwain.

Where to visit for medical treatment?

 You can visit Sahara Visa Medical Centre available for tests. The cost of the test varies from hospital to hospital in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and might go up or down depending on how quickly you need the results.

Are these medical center reliable?

 Yes, of course these are reliable and specially EHC Screening is known for perfect tests with proper health care for the applicants.Conclusion:- In sum, after reading this blog post, you'll have a better grasp of what a medical examination center for visa entails and why it's necessary in order to meet the standards set by medical examination center and hospitals in Dubai for the issuance of a work visa and permanent residency. You might think about hiring us whenever you need more details about the same thing.

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    Medical Examination Centre for Residency - Sahara Centre


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